Friday, September 16, 2005

it's not much... (final update)

(((final update)))

thanks to those of you who made a pledge. your donation has been matched. and thanks for the opportunity to feel that maybe my life has some bit of significance in the world.

any pledges in the next couple days will also be matched (unless they are too big of course).


...but i guess it's something.

i dunno if this will work, but i'll match the next five commentors who pledge to donate $10 to the katrina hurricane relief fund.

you can donate here.

(((((update #2)))))

i just remembered that some friends owe me money for some nine inch nails tickets. that means i've got a little more to match donations with. if you haven't yet, pledge to donate some to the katrina hurrican relief fund and i'll match it. if you don't have the money right now, but will be able to donate in the future, just promise you will


i got this e-mail yesterday


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: carudas
Date: Sep 4, 2005 11:55 AM
Subject: Matching Funds for Katrina Relief
To: Visitors 2

The below describes the beginning of a massive effort on the part of Hare Krishna Food for Life to bring relief in the form of vegetarian meals to those destitute by Hurricane Katrina.

³Meanwhile, courageous New Talavan (farm community on Mississippi) devotees are already venturing into the hardest-hit areas of the Gulf Coast, braving fields of debris, vast stretches of noxious quick mud, and crazed gas-hungry locals to distribute Lord Krishna's mercy in the form of sanctified vegetarian food. Despite reports of people being held up at gunpoint to feed gas-hungry SUVs and pickups, yesterday and today the devotees journeyed to Gulfport and Biloxi to bring hot meals of red beans and rice, chapattis and lemonade to the starving residents.

New Orleans devotee Ramakeli Prabhu, who lost everything in the hurricane, is collecting supplies in Memphis and transporting them to New Talavan, while New Talavan devotee Dvibhuja Prabhu, whose rental property lost its roof in the storm, is devoting full time to prasadam distribution in the Gulf Coast area.

They report a scene of almost total devastation with very little help for the victims. The aged and infirm are hardest hit, often immobilized with no one to help them. The devotees are going door-to-door in the affected areas near the coast, bringing back striking tales of devastation and woe.²

We¹re sending this message to give you the option to assist the world¹s largest vegetarian food distribution network (500,000 plates a day in normal times) to focus on the South. And the Krishna Temple in Spanish Fork will match your donations dollar for dollar up to an preliminary limit of $ 2000.00. Please go to the Food for Life web site at and either donate directly to them or donate to the Krishna Temple in Spanish Fork. For every dollar received here by paypal, check, or credit card, we will forward two dollars to the Food for Life effort in Mississippi, Alabama and Louisiana.

Paypal credit to, checks to Krishna Temple, 8628 S. State Rd., Spanish Fork, Utah 84660, or call 801 787-1510 with Visa M/C. We¹ll send a receipt for every tax deductible donation.


caru das heads the hare krishna temple in spanish fork. he has got to be one of the kindest and charitable guys i have ever met.

so far, i've only got one pledge for donations. i'm hoping to have four more soon before i make my donation. please help.


  1. Ok, deal. I'm donating right now. $10.

  2. i donated $20 to the Red Cross.


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