Tuesday, October 30, 2007



  1. Ouch... at least it doesn't appear to have much gravel ground into it...

  2. Sweet. I'll have to get a bike early next year. I need some more battle wounds and scenic trips in my life...

  3. Bryant was sitting next to me as I was clicking through ProvoPlatinum, and when I got to this photo of you, he happened to look up from his book and say, "WHOA is that Loyd? Man, Loyd is cool."

    Just thought you should know. You're cool.

    It was great to see you Saturday. Thanks for coming! :) See you soon when we're back in town, k?

  4. That is disgusting!! You really need to bike with other people.

  5. That which doesnt kill you will make you stronger. Keep the wind at your back Loyd.


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